Today was a day of unsuccessful hope. Actually, it was just the evening that was disappointing. The day was great. Kinda. The only thing we really did today was shingle. First we had to get them on the roof, then place the paper, then shingle and nail, shingle and nail, shingle and nail. By the time we were done we were all pretty tired. Then the evening was a couple small disappointments in a row. First of all, when we got back from the job site, we heard a football game announcer. It was right before supper, so we tried to eat fast and get to the game. But this was the night they brought in Katrina survivors, so it used up more time. By the time we got to the game (it was a nearby high school) the stands were empty and the lights were just being turned off. Then we went to a house that Les had helped with 2 years ago. Apparently the girls (gr.8 and 11) are good at basketball and we were going to invite them to play, but they were going to bed because they have school at 7:40. Then we drove around Pass Christian. It was kinda boring. We plan on playing computer Jeopardy tonight, but otherwise I want to go to bed early so I can wake up in decent time (breakfast is at 7, making lunch is 6:30-7)
Sounds like you are building up a great resume :-)
I can't wait to see all your pictures....love the bird!
So, are you missing home yet? What do you miss the most and what do you miss the least?
Keep plugging along!!!
looks like it might be in the vulture family, do you know?
It was definitely an eagle. It soared above for a minute or two and put on quite a show for us. It even gave us time to get off the roof and grab the camera!!
We aren't really missing home - just dad and Shawn. We're having a great time, even though the days are long and tiring. It's just very rewarding - especially when we hear stories like the one we heard tonight from a couple who lost everything and MDS (some of our group) is building them a new home. They are just so thankful for us who are helping out.
I heard someone say today "If you're working for the Lord you don't get much money... but you get a great retirement plan"
Yes, that's a better retirement plan than we have here !
I look for your blog everyday. Looks like you're working hard, but still having fun. This is something you will never forget.
must be the angle of the picture. its head just looks different, but i believe you!
derek can you ask the locals what kind of eagle it is please or do you know?
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