Today we put the plywood on the roof (which took a while) and then on the sides of the house in the part that was missed (intentionally) before. I got to be on the roof most of the day. At first it was freaky because it's ~15 feet off the ground. Later on it was better because I got used to it and the space to walk on got bigger. Yesterday a little kid came onto the site and just started climbing the 5-foot scaffolding. I saw him, but wasn't sure if it actually mattered, and kinda watched him as I kept working. Then he climbed into the house, where Les (the project manager) said 'Hey Bud' and then let him be. Then the kid climbed onto the scaffolding on the other side of the house where Sylvia (a grandmotherly lady from Pennsylvania) said 'Oh, you should get down from there' and then lifted him down. Mom talked to him for a bit to keep him out of trouble and found out he lived next door, he was four years old, and his name was Canaan (we think, he had a southern accent) It was really funny to hear a four-year-old say Y'all. Then he decided he was bored and wandered around for a bit, being a bit too close to everything. Mom tried to tell him to watch from the steps, but he just wandered some more. He was standing too close for a while when someone accidentally dropped something on or near him (I can't remember) and then he wandered home to the neighbours who have an eternal BBQ Party (we are invited for tomorrow).
and eternal bbq...hahaha funny
Derek, I am curious about the kind of house construction in the area. Is there a basement or a crawlspace? Looks like it is all wood construction is that typical? And what are you building beside?
Hey Derek, your wearing my Idaho sweatshirt. Be careful.
Tante Carla: most of the houses by the ocean are on concrete blocks because they need to be 18 feet above sea level. Ours is just on a bit of concrete.
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