Okay, today something really funny happened. In the afternoon recess, we were playing football. My team had just got a touchdown, so we kicked. The ball went right to Jared, a considerably a fast kid. If you look a Diagram A (above) you can see that Jared is the football icon. Then, I chased after him. Then, out of no where Justin (icon J) comes and creams me (icon D), knocking me to the ground. It was funny because Justin is definately not the knock-you-to-the-ground-in-touch-football kind of kid. I still don't know why (neither does Justin) he was running that direction because Justin was not on my team, so I have no idea why he was running that way. He says he may have been going back just in case Jared was going to lateral it to him. Either way, it was really funny how Justin came out of no where and just leveled me.
Great graphics to illustrate the story. You forgot to mention if you were hurt by the collision.
yeah, what were the injuries?
I hav a bit of a sraped knee, but it's fine
oops. scraped
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